Welcome to DIGITAsia

DIGITAsia project is to empower HE institutions in highly geographically dispersed countries to engage with their digital transformation by boosting the skills of educators to be able to apply Education 5.0 through hybrid learning design principles driven by learning analytics and student characteristics in order to develop effective, inclusive, accessible, and quality courses. Nine universities from Croatia, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Spain and Malaysia are involved in this project.



To upskill teachers with needed skills for Education 5.0  to create learner centered active hybrid courses integrating learning analytics and other emerging technologies that enable individualization and personalization of learning experience as well as provide a valuable understanding of Industry 5.0 and its implementation in education


To provide teachers with guided support to successfully transform their teaching practices according to Education 5.0 pedagogies.


To foster teaching transformation by piloting courses at different levels of education to ensure integration of the new methodologies, teachers’ skills and courses developed according to the Education 5.0 pedagogies.


To create the digital teaching transformation framework with the toolkit for implementation involving an evidence-based quality assurance process for online learning that will ensure a sustainable process of digital transformation.


To foster peer-to-peer collaboration and learning in the region between institutions.